We were back in France to install 3 new padel courts for Forest Hill Sports Clubs
Padel keeps growing by the day in France and Xtreme is contributing to its growth! More and more sports clubs want to include padel as one of the activities they offer because it is such a fun and social sport. This time it has been a club called Forest Hill, located in Marnes La Coquette, not far away from Paris, the one that wanted to increase the number of padel activities they offer their customers with 3 new indoor padel courts, since they already had a few courts in their facilities.
Our salesman in France, Bruno Person, got the quote request during the summer. Some people from Forest Hill had been to Iles de Loisir (Cergy) where Xtreme installed 3 courts las year and they really liked our courts. But still we had to do our best to send a really competitive proposal, we really wanted to get this project. Forest Hill is a very well-known French sports & health club chain and it might be a great way to display our products to other clients there in France.
After checking every item of the quote to offer the best product at the best price we sent it and… Bruno closes the deal! We got the project, so now it is time to start working and manufacture the courts.
This are the features of the new order:
- Manufacturing and installation of 3 Standard Club XTR Padel Clubs
- Metallic frame in bright black colour
- 10 mm tempered glass
- “Advance Turfgrass” Monofilament blue artificial turf (FEP & ITF Approved)
- Open access on both sides to hold competitions and tournaments
- No lighting needed since courts were to be installed inside a building with good lighting system.
Meeting the due date is crucial this time, because they have already announced an opening court competition on the 7th of October and the courts have to be ready to be played on that day. Everybody on the team knows what they have to do: all the departments are very busy to deliver the courts on time (Production, Sales, Purchasing Department…) and working as a team we made it! In about 3 weeks everything is ready to leave for France.
By the end of September, our colleagues Javi, Sorin and Andriy are ready to leave for Marnes La Coquette. The weather is really bad over there but lucky for us, the padel courts are indoor, so the bad weather won’t delay our work. Work process has begun: the structure is set, then the glass is placed, after that it is time to lay the turf and the game lines and the sand is spread. A few final touches like the net and courts are ready within a week. Great job team!!!
The customer is very happy with the final result and our commitment to deliver the courts in time. It is our sixth padel project in France and we are positive that Forest Hill will contact us again when they are ready to offer padel activities in the rest of their clubs.
We will keep you posted!